Questions and Answers about «Zoom»

How to invite others to join a Zoom video conference?

How to invite participants to join a Zoom meeting?
Rick Astley
05.03.2020 07:19

Answers (1)

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05.03.2020 15:39

  1. Launch the Zoom application.
  2. Click the New Meeting button to make a meeting. Or you can join the current conference by the Join button.
  3. Then click on the Manage Participants button on the bottom panel menu (see pic. 1) → Invite (see pic. 2).
  4. Select contacts you would like to invite in the Contacts tab → click on the Invite button which is in the lower right corner.
  5. You can also use the Email tab for an invitation. Switch to the Email tab → choose your email service → add recipients → send your invitation.
  6. Besides, Zoom allows you to copy your meeting information and paste it elsewhere. For this sake, just click on the Copy URL / Copy Invitation button in the Contacts tab (see pic. 3) and paste it to an instant messenger or directly to a participant using Ctrl + V hotkey on Windows or cmd + V on Mac OS.
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