Questions and Answers about «Open Last Tab»

Switching tabs within Chrome tab groups


This is a duplicate of a comment I made on Github issues as well. My apologies for that but I wasn't sure whether I should ask on Github or here, as you link to this website for support. Chrome has a new functionality where you can group tabs together and collapse or unfold the groups. At the moment, it is not possible to use this extension to cycle to the last used tabs, if they are inside such a group. Almost all of my tabs are grouped, because it's just a very handy feature. Is it possible to add the functionality to be able to switch tabs inside such tab groups? If you want, I can help with testing, providing log files or anything else you need. I have added a screenshot of what these tab groups look like

Cheers and thank you for developing this extension
11.03.2024 10:41

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